Together for Middle School
Tuesday, March 5th 2024 - 7pm
at IMA

A night filled with generosity to support students from French Priority neighbourhoods

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272 300 THANKS

Thank you to our generous donors for their support of the youth of our region!

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Why this gala?

Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way has been animating Defi Jeunesse for the last 5 years, an impact program well recognized by the students from our Middle Schools in the heart of Priority Neighbourhoods. Our objective is to encourage them to be a part of society. Every year, 80 000 students leave school without any diploma or qualification. Unemployment is twice as big among this population as for the rest of the French.population. We have a solution that works, and we need to spread it to more localities.In this spirit, the night “Together for college” is a unique occasion to raise funds. But first, we will start the night by bearing testimony to the dynamism and the moral values of our actions. We hope tonight will allow you to discover the uniqueness and the success of our program Defi Jeunesse, and its impact on the paths of the middle school students from Priority Neighbourhoods. Have a great evening and thank you for your attendance here tonight!

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Tonight’s concept

Raising funds to support middle school students from Priority Neighbourhoods


Raising funds

Halfway between fundraising and TED talks, tonight will enlighten 6 structuring projects lead by AE UW with a positive impact on society.

After each presentation, guests are invited to contribute financially*.
Concretely, students, National Education members, or volunteers from our partners will present each project for 3 minutes.
After every program, participants will be invited to make a contribution to the project(s) of their choice.


Gala dinner

A dinner is offered by our partners and will orchestrate the gala rhythm. An occasion to share and discuss throughout the evening.

Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way

AE UW gathers enterprises, associations and public institutions to create an ecosystem of success around middle school students from Priority Neighbourhoods. Since 2018, our program Defi Jeunesse has accompanied more than 15 000 kids from 6th grade to 9th grade and helped them find their path or encourage them to be a part of society.


The program Defi Jeunesse

To support students, our program Defi Jeunesse involves all together:
👉 Associations: they conduct workshops on topics like self-awareness, self-confidence, control of emotions, speaking out, software/digital learning, career discovery, or discussions about competences expected in a workplace (collaborative work, entrepreneurial spirit). These workshops take place from 6th to 9th grade.
👉 Employees / members from our partners: they present their industry, the everyday aspect of their job, their studying choices, and share their experience with students. These workshops start in 8th grade and go from a one-hour format to a full day one, depending on everyone’s agenda.

This progressive course is adapted to the maturity of each student.

Defi Jeunesse organizes activities in full class, in a collective way, with a triple objective:
1°/ Lead the student to get to know themselves.
2°/ Discover the business world and encourage the student to project into the future.
3°/ Develop competences in partnership with the collective: work together, adaptability, resilience, the feeling of pride from a task well done together in the aim of valorising collective experience in the heart of a middle school and mobilise the student on what’s at stake for him when he starts 6th grade.


15 000 beneficiary students

every year

31 middle schools and 6 high schools

in Ile de France, Toulouse, le Loiret or

1100 volunteers

alongside our middle school students

Your contribution

From a fiscal point of view, for those of you who will donate that night, we would like to remind you that 66% of your donation will be deductible from your French Income Tax. This amount changes to 60% for French Corporation Tax.