#2 Discovering the professional world

The most vulnerable environments often have limited diversity in terms of professions. Indeed, the range of professions represented in the environment of middle school students can be limited, hindering their ability to envision their future. It is therefore our responsibility to address this inequality by proposing solutions to facilitate the encounter between the professional world and REP/REP+ middle schools.

Through exchanges with engaged collaborators from our partner companies, young people discover new sectors of activity, unique professions, and a variety of educational paths. These privileged moments with professionals
allow students to explore an expanded range of possibilities and to project themselves into futures they had not considered before.

We need your support to make these encounters a reality and offer young people new perspectives!

👉 OBJECTIF : permettre à 500 nouveaux collégiens de découvrir le monde de l'entreprise au travers de rencontres, de journées d'innovations

Every middle school student should have the freedom to choose their career path based on their aspirations and abilities. School dropout often results from imposed career choices, whether by the school environment or due to lack of knowledge.

To discover their path, self-awareness is essential. It is crucial to create an environment conducive to students' reflection on their future. Starting from the 6th grade, in collaboration with associations, we encourage
young people to think about their passions and understand where they excel. Awareness of their strengths and weaknesses to build a project begins at a young age.

By facilitating the connection between the professional world and the business world, young people also have the opportunity to project themselves into structured study projects, allowing them to make informed career

By supporting the "Défi Jeunesse" project, you contribute to creating an ecosystem conducive to informed orientation, thus allowing young people to dare to take their rightful place in society.

Les chiffres clés

1 100

collaborateurs d'entreprises partenaires mobilisés en 2022-2023
Objectif 2023-2024 + de 1 250 collaborateurs (+10%)

3 700

heures d'intervention auprès des élèves

7 500

élèves ont rencontré en 2022-2023 des professionnels d’entreprise